Thursday, September 24, 2009

Video head to head: iPod nano vs Canon 5D II

This is a ridiculous comparison of course, but nonetheless it's worth a glance just for fun. Here is the new video-enabled iPod nano vs. the well-respected Canon EOS 5D Mark II digital SLR.

No ISO 6400 or rack focus rig on the iPod nano unfortunately. ;) By the way, with the EF 35 f/1.4L lens and Compact Flash card, the 5D Mark II goes for the bargain basement price of about US$4200.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

HDTV resolutions well supported in Snow Leopard

It took Apple long enough, but HD TV resolutions are finally well supported in Mac OS X. Here is a screengrab of my 13" MacBook Pro supplying 1920x1080i to my Panasonic PT-AX200U home theatre projector, in 10.6 Leopard.