Meanwhile, in addition to a new clue from the CHUD tools we reported yesterday, Macbidouille has added one of their own.
Also, Think Secret reports that Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger will be officially announced on April 1st. This is somewhat surprising since many developers are claiming that Tiger is still a bit rough around the edges. However, Think Secret claims that there is required support of Tiger for a new application to be released at NAB 2005, and that Tiger will ship with new iMacs and eMacs in April as well. (Some readers may note that April 1st is April Fool's Day, but April 1 is actually a very special day for Apple.) This rumoured April Tiger ship date does make one wonder if this could be another hint to imminent new dual-core and quad Mac releases, but Think Secret makes no mention of this.
Lastly, version 4.1.0 of Apple's CHUD tools have been pulled. However, it's not clear if it has been pulled because of all of this dual-core/quad Mac hoopla or if it's for bug fixes. Some online forum posts suggest it may be the latter, with CHUD 4.1.1 to come out soon.
[Update 2005-03-12]
The /. effect:

[Update 2005-03-14]
Thanks to Dave for pointing out that there is indeed confirmation of a major bug in CHUD 4.1.0, necessitating a quick 4.1.1 update. From the Apple PerfOptimization-dev mailing list:
To prevent a slew of bug reports and customer pain, let me pre-announce the release of CHUD 4.1.1. :)
We discovered shortly after 4.1 went live that Shark 4.1 can't open saved sessions. Have no fear -- a bug fix is in place, and we'll post a new package as soon as possible.
However, the message goes on to say:
In the meantime, feel free to download the current CHUD 4.1 package and give it a test drive.
It will be interesting to see if the new update still contains references to the 970MP and quad Macs.
Want to be friends?
mirror, anyone?
The reason why CHUD 4.1 was pulled was because of some rather large bugs. One of the lead developers of the Shark profiler included with the CHUD tools quickly pre-announced the release of CHUD 4.1.1 as soon as mention was made of 4.1 on Apple's Performance mailing list (you can read the archives at
Apparently Shark 4.1 can't open saved sessions which doesn't make it too useful. They've fixed this bug and CHUD 4.1.1 is supposed to be released "as soon as possible." Though I wonder if they'll also remove the references to Quad-processor Macs in light of the barrage of news about them.
Thanks Dave. I've updated the article accordingly.
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